Please note that ALL competitors in our league are required to adhere to Junior Gearing Restrictions. In a nutshell, measure out 26' on the ground; put the bike in its hardest gear; spin the crank so the arms are vertical; walk the bike backwards.... the crank arm should NOT rotate more than one complete revolution (i.e. one complete pedal revolution should not push the bike further than 26').

The best gear combinations to use are 52 chain ring/14 smallest cassette cog, or 45 chain ring/12 smallest cassette cog.

Others can work but are smaller gears (spin out more quickly).

If the bike doesn't pass, you may also block out gears with the limit screw on the rear derailleur such that the rider doesn't have access to a gear that is too big.

Please send me an email about this if you have questions.

Mens A field at the start of the 2010 Holderness Road Race


To help defray the cost of race timing, the fee structure has changed this year. The new cost is $150 per school, PLUS $10 per athlete participating in the League. Thus, for a team with 10 athletes, the registration fee will be $250 for the 2014 season.


The 2014 league registration page is on bikereg.com. Team head coaches should click the following link to register their team and pay their league dues for the season:

The league dues satisfy the costs of the awards trophies as well as the timing services of Pioneer Event Services for all races.


The NERCL is open to school team registrants only, meaning all riders must take part under a school racing team competing under the guidance of an adult coach (who can be a parent of a rider). Any secondary school, whether public or private, is welcome to register for league competition by using this page. The head coach of the team (or parent) should enter his or her contact information as part of the registration process.

PLEASE NOTE THAT LEAGUE DUES MUST BE PAID BEFORE A TEAM WILL BE ALLOWED TO RACE (this is to prevent racers from showing up without coaches and racing without supervision)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dartmouth collegiate race now includes high schoolers in mens and womens intro race

From the promotor:

I just wanted to make you aware; high school racers for our Dartmouth race day this Saturday are not only allowed to compete in the morning time trial in the appropriate HS category, but they are also able to register for the Dartmouth collegiate intro criterium.

Our flyer has just been updated to reflect this; a junior male racer can register for the Collegiate Men's Intro Criterium. Similarly, female racers can register for the Collegiate Women's Intro Criterium.

If you can pass this on to any high school racers and coaches, we think this will dramatically improve our Intro Races and be a boon to high school racers looking for some good experience!

Bikereg: http://www.bikereg.com/events/register.asp?eventid=13165

Flyer (updated soon): http://collegiatecycling.org/eccc/wiki/uploads/Calendar/20110416-dartmouth.pdf

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